•  Corporation Tax Forms

64-8 – Authorising your agent
CT41G (Clubs) – Corporation Tax – details of clubs, societies and voluntary associations and other similar bodies

  • Charities and CASC Forms

Gift Aid declaration for past, present and future donations
Sponsorship and Gift Aid declaration form
ChA1 – HMRC Charity application form
ChV1 – Charities variations form
CT600E (2006) Version 2 – Charity and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs)
Gift Aid declaration form for a single donation
SA900 – Trust and Estate Tax Return (2013)
CASC(A1) – Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) registration form
SA907 – Trust and Estate Charities (2013)

  • Employer Forms

P46 (Short) – Employee without a form P45
P46(Expat) – Employee seconded to work in the UK
NSR Appendix 7B – NICs Settlement Return – EP Appendix 7B
P11D(b) – Return of Class 1A NICs due. Return of expenses and benefits – employers declaration
P46 – Employee without a form P45 (for employers exempt from online filing)
P60 – End of Year Certificate
P14 (Manual) – End of Year Summary 2012-13
NSR Appendix 7A – EP Appendix 7A – NICs Settlement Return

  • Excise Forms

DS 1 – Duty Stamps – Application for Registration
DS 4 – Application to amend Duty Stamps registration details
5 – Application for a license to carry on an excise trade

  • Income Tax Forms

R40 – Claim for repayment of tax deducted from savings and investments
R43 (2012) – Claim to personal allowances and tax repayment by an individual not resident in the UK
R38 – Tax Claim
P161 – Age-related Personal Allowance form
P87 – Tax relief for expenses of employment
P50 – Claiming tax back when you have stopped working
18 – Transferring the Married Couples Allowance
P161(W)(MAN) – Bereavement benefit coding form
P85 – Leaving the UK – getting your tax right

  • National Insurance Forms

CA5603 – Application to pay voluntary National Insurance contributions
CF83 – Application to pay National Insurance contributions abroad
CF10 (2013-14) – Application for exception from liability for Class 2 contributions
CA5610 – Application for refund of Class 4 National Insurance contributions (NICs)
CF411 Notes – Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP)
MODCA1 – Application form for National Insurance credits
CA5601 – Application to pay Class 2 contributions by Direct Debit
CA8480 – Application for refund of Class 2 National Insurance contributions
CF411 – Application form for Home Responsibilities Protection (HRP)
CF411A – Application form for credits for parents and carers
CF9 – Married womans application for a certificate of election of reduced liability or change to full liability

  • Self Assessment Forms

SA402 – Registering a partner for Self Assessment if they are not an individual

  • Self Employment Forms

HS252 – Capital allowances and balancing charges (2013)

  • VAT Forms

VAT 1 – Value Added Tax – Application for Registration
VAT 1B – Application for Registration – Acquisitions
VAT 5L – VAT registration – land and property
VAT 7 – Application to Cancel Your VAT Registration
VAT 426 – Insolvent traders claim for input tax after deregistration
VAT 68 – Request for transfer of a registration number
VAT 833 – Statement of Value Added Tax on goods sold in satisfaction of a debt
VAT 623 – Annual Accounting Scheme only – instruction to your bank or building society to pay by Direct Debit
VAT 600 AA/FRS – Application to join the Annual Accounting Scheme and the Flat Rate Scheme
VAT 1A – Application for Registration – Distance Selling
VAT 2 – Value Added Tax – Partnership Details
VAT 484 – Change of Details – Variations
VAT 427 – Claim for input tax relief from VAT on cancellation of registration
VAT 769 – Value Added Tax – notification of insolvency details
VAT 652 – Notification of Errors in VAT Returns
VAT 622 – Standing Order/BACS Authority
VAT 600 AA – Application to join the Annual Accounting Scheme
VAT 600 FRS – Application to join the Flat Rate Scheme